About Manualzz project

Manualzz is a public archive of manuals for hundreds of thousands of devices in various languages. The website utilizes advanced tools for deep analysis of textual and graphical information. The project's architecture enables it to process tens of thousands of user requests per minute without compromising performance.


2015 - Project creation

2016 - Project development and reaching the first 100,000 manuals. The site is used by a total of 4 million users per year.

2018 - Project expansion and reaching 1,000,000 manuals. The site is used by a total of 15 million users per year.

2023 - Project development and reaching 5,000,000 manuals. The site is used by a total of 50 million users per year.

2024 - Implementation of an AI assistant based on a neural network that can answer user questions using data from the manuals.

Manualzz is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and accessible repository of manuals to assist users in understanding and operating a wide range of devices. The platform's continuous growth and development have been driven by a commitment to enhancing user experience and accessibility to valuable information. With the introduction of the AI assistant in 2024, Manualzz aims to further improve user interaction and support, cementing its position as a leading resource for manual access and assistance.

Our dream:

Community building is a key focus for our future development plans. We aim to achieve this by:

    1. Introducing user profiles: Users will be able to create personalized profiles, which will enable them to connect with others who have similar interests and expertise.
    2. Implementing a rating and review system: This feature will allow users to rate and review documents, fostering a sense of community and trust within the platform.
    3. Facilitating discussion forums: We plan to introduce discussion forums where users can engage in conversations, seek advice, and share knowledge on various topics related to manuals and documents.
    4. Recognizing contributors: We will introduce a system to recognize and highlight active contributors within the community, fostering a sense of appreciation and motivation for users to actively participate and share their expertise.

By implementing these initiatives, we aim to create a vibrant and engaged community within Manualzz.com, where users can connect, learn from each other, and collectively contribute to the platform's growth and success.